Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Elk Lake

A few miles past Lake Todd is Elk Lake.  We heard it was a nice place to swim.  Since it was warm and sunny (again...) we packed a lunch, loaded up our new tubes (floating is big here) and hit the highway.  After we turned off the main road we had to trek a bumpy dirt road. Happily no Jeep parts fell off and we made it into the parking lot.

Elk Lake had the perfect beach area for swimming. There is a small campground across the lake and many of the boaters and kayakers came ashore to hang out.  One girl and her paddle board traversed the lake before lunch.  We floated in our tubes and the dogs swam.  Okay, Coco floated on my tube with me, and fell asleep.  This place is Dog heaven.

We found a shady picnic table and ate lunch. There are no trash cans here. And no trash either.  Crazy, people actually clean up after themselves here.  Who would spoil all this beauty?

Crowe tired himself out swimming (with the help of his new Ruff Wear Life jacket). He curled up in the tube to rest.  He is living the life.  Go Crowe.

Time to say good bye to Elk Lake.  We will certainly come back often.  Do I miss the Ocean City beaches? What do you think!

Lake Todd

Just about 24 miles from our house is Lake Todd.  It is one of 26 lakes within 45 miles of Bend.  We headed up on a sunny day to hike with the dogs.

The lake is shallow and clear.  This day it was a warm as bathwater.  Thats Mt. Bachelor towering above the trees.  It is the 6th largest Ski Resort in the West and only 18 miles from our new home. Even in September there is still some snow on it.

The 3 mile trail follows around the lake.  Lots of clearings to have a picnic, let your dogs swim or just take in the breathtaking scenery.  It is so quiet here.  A good place to find peace and tranquility. A jem in the Cascade Lake collection for sure.

Crowe kept himself busy jumping in and out of the water.  It is so shallow and crystal clear.  Beyond the grassy area at the north end of the lake people were hunting for truffles. Crazy, right? That's Oregon.

One parting shot as we finished our hike with some tired dogs and headed home.  Crowe had the most fun. No leash - running and swimming.  He told us in the car on the way home that it was the best day of his life.  For sure.

Smith Rock State Park

About 20 miles from our house in Terrebonne, Oregon is Smith Rock State Park.  Dave and I were looking for a hike and this one fit the bill. We loaded up the pups, packed water and some snacks and jumped in the car.  Now Smith Rock doesn't reveal itself when you drive up.  Sure some of the rock formations are peaking out of the canyon, like this.

Once you arrive at the Chute ( the trail that takes you down into the canyon) you begin to see the real beauty of Smith Rock.

Dave and Crowe are at the trailhead, behind them a glimpse of the Crooked River meandering through the canyon. The pic on the right shows the view from the Chute Trail.

**A little history lesson: Smith Rock is one of the most popular Rock Climbing spots in the world. The rocks rise some 3000' from the canyon. The park covers 651 acres.  The movie "Rooster Cogbum" starring John Wayne and Kathryn Hepburn was filmed here.  Here - really!

We decided to follow the 3.6 mi. River Trail.  It is a dirt trail at relatively low elevation that follows the banks of the river.  We snapped a few pics to share with you.  In some of the pictures (if you look very closely) you can see climbers - hanging from ropes - up high on the rocks. They look like ants.  Brave ants.

Look closely - people are swimming!! Not a bad way to cool off.  Our dogs went in every chance they got to cool off.  Look at that scenery.

At the bottom of this picture (above) you can see the dirt trail we followed.  I snapped this pic on the way around the canyon. I am pretty proud of this one.

Here is the back side of the canyon and the trail gets a little more difficult.  Look at the scale of the rocks. Those are people standing on the top of the rocks behind me. Oregon people are fearless.  A few more minutes and Monkey Face comes into view.

From the side this 350' spire looks like a Monkey. And people climb it.  We saw them. Not this gal, no thanks!

As we made our way around to the front of the canyon, the rocks rose like skyscrapers.  We took a few last looks and headed up the trail to the parking lot. Not a bad way to spend a few hours.  The park fee is $5./carload.  Dogs were exhausted.  We had logged 3.6 miles and earned a yummy dinner. Great Day!

The Mighty Deschutes

Remember when I mentioned the trail access right behind our house? Well if you follow it for a little while it brings you to Farewell Bend Park and The Deschutes River Trail.  (Kinda nice)

The park is a place to have a picnic, play with your dog, put in your paddleboard, kayak, tube or for that matter air mattress and float along, or travel to the beginning of the 2.1mi. trail around part of the Deschutes River.

Look how beautifully maintained everything is.  This is why we are here.  Because Bend is Beautiful.

This park is huge, with views everywhere you look.  There is even a dog water fountain, Bend was voted #1 Dog Friendliest City 2013. Coco and Crowe love that.

Just behind Dave and Crowe you can see where the river trail begins. We passed retired couples, moms and dads, mountain bikers and lots and lots of dogs.  The river is beautiful.  As we walked along the banks and around every bend we just couldn't stop taking in the sights. It never gets old.

This side of the River Trail is full of rapids and rushing water. Kayakers are brave enough to traverse it but it is best left for those with experience.  The other side of the park is where the water slows to a lazy river and on a warm day tons of people are floating, paddleboarding and just swimming in the river.
It is so clean you can see all the way to the bottom.  

Next Up: We tackle Smith Rock State Park!

Little House on Laurelhurst Way

We made our way to our new neighborhood: Braeburn. Keep in mind we rented this house via the internet.  Sight unseen. A lot of things could have gone horribly wrong - but they didn't.  Our little house was as beautiful as advertised.

We have a neighborhood sign and a waterfall at our entrance.  Its lovely.  Our neighborhood is built to look like a little storybook village. Sweeping sidewalks, manicured lawns, three dog park areas (one of which is in our front yard) and access to the Deschutes River Trail (more on that later....) from our back yard.

This last photo was taken from my kitchen window.  Our yard ends at the sidewalk - thats the dog play area beyond that (mowed by the Homeowners assoc.) and a glimpse of one of the bavarian style cottages in our 'hood. See the perfect blue sky above - we have had one day of rain since we arrived. Lucky us.

And this my friends is what it looks like to live in Bend.  Every where you look, snow capped mountains. Makes even mundane trips to the store better.

We Made It!

Hello Everyone.  Sorry this took awhile. Hopefully this post will get you up to speed.

We left Salisbury on August 22, 2013.  The drive across country was an unbelievable experience.
things went well day one and two - Coco was my ever present traveling companion.

After Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illinois, Indiana and Nebraska - we hit Wyoming:

For the first time the landscape changed.  Big rugged rock outcroppings along miles and miles of plains.
We traveled on through storms-wind-hail-and even a 50mph. dust storm. Then we arrived in Utah.

Utah was magnificent. Jaw-droppingly beautiful - to look at - from the side of the road. But we had to drive through these mountains. The Grand Tetons!! Sketchy. Teetering on the edge of 7800' mountain passes with 18 wheelers buzzing past at 80-mph was a little much for me.  I got through it, but as soon as we got to the hotel for the night I kissed the ground and threw up.  Seriously.  The next time I see the Grand Tetons it will be from the window of a plane.

We continued on through Idaho, still mountainous, (eek) and stopped in Boise for Dinner.  Boise was a beautiful mountain town.  Vibrant downtown, good food - good beer.  After a good nights sleep we woke up ready for the final leg - OREGON!

We pulled into Bend, Oregon about 1:30p.m. Not surprising, Bend greeted us with the beauty we had remembered.  

The sun was shining, blue skies above.  Home Sweet Home. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New Home Awaits

This is Mt. Bachelor. It is the 6th largest Ski Resort in the Western US. And it is only 18 miles from our new home. In the summer we can hike up  it and mountain bike down it. In the winter we can go ski a few runs and make it home in time for lunch. Pinch me!

This is waiting for us. Just can't believe in 19 days we will be on our way. 
Our new address is
19402 SW Laurelhurst Way
Bend, Oregon 97702

Dave & Jill